Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Copper Moonshine Stills Do U Need Copper Tubing To Make A Moonshine Still Or Can It Be Other Metals Or Plastic?

Do u need copper tubing to make a moonshine still or can it be other metals or plastic? - copper moonshine stills

if u can give step by step guide thatd be great


georock1... said...

Not only for dealing with high temperatures, must not toxic and should be a good conductor of heat, so the alcohol is condensed. Stainless steel, copper and glass are the best option.

http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-m ...

Irv S said...

Welllll .......... could use stainless steel or glass instead of copper,
Leary, but I would be very plastic.
(Most of them toxic WCAR Fuller.)
Be very careful with the idea that the cone-head "in the pocket.
The bulk of the rule to cover "beating" of cooking and the date on.
Any obstruction in the mash-perhaps even lead to an explosion of flammable vapors.
(No Fun At All at his side.)

Irv S said...

Welllll .......... could use stainless steel or glass instead of copper,
Leary, but I would be very plastic.
(Most of them toxic WCAR Fuller.)
Be very careful with the idea that the cone-head "in the pocket.
The bulk of the rule to cover "beating" of cooking and the date on.
Any obstruction in the mash-perhaps even lead to an explosion of flammable vapors.
(No Fun At All at his side.)

billruss... said...

Must be able to high temperatures without damage or adding pollutants (taste) to treat the final product.

I am sure you will find instructions on-line. I guess it would be a crime.


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